Powered by USB
The device is supplied with power via the USB interface. This reduces cabling efforts to a minimum and makes mobile measurements a lot easier.
Optimal for Windows.
The drivers and programming interface is optimized for 64Bit under Windows® 10/11. All software for installation and programming of the USB-PIO-OEM is included free of charge.
NextView. Try for Free.
The DAQ system is supported by NextView, the software for data acquisition and analysis. A fully functional 14-day trial can be requested under www.nextview.de. So it is possible, to directly test the functionality of the device.
Accessories. Just Makes it Easier.
For testing purposes or to make your own developments easier, the test tool USB-PIO-OEM-TL is available. It provides standard connectors for the digital lines and the USB bus. In addition, 24 LEDs allow immediate status control of the individual I/O pins.